R-LIPOINN® is the only product in our country which contains Sodium R-lipoate which is metabolized in the body in R-alpha-lipoic acid – without synthetic S form which is found in all alpha-lipoic acid based products sold in our market.


R-LIPOINN® significantly increases the antioxidative activity of your cells and mitochondria preventing thus their damage and deterioration. This efficiently reduces the increase of oxidative stress related to aging.

R-LIPOINN® maintains healthy level of other antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione.

R-LIPOINN® improves memory, reduces brain damages and protects the brain from neurodegenerative changes related to aging. R-alpha lipoic acid is synthetized in the body and it is safely metabolized.

Excellent tolerability of R-LIPOINN® capsules thanks to DRcaps™ – without gastric problems

DRcaps™ capsules are made with innovatively formulated hypromellose (HPMC) which is resistant to stomach acid, it is very slowly decomposed and enables intactness of the capsule content during its passing through the stomach. In this way, the feeling of heaviness, nausea and discomfort in the stomach that can be caused by the use of alpha lipoic acid is prevented.


Alpha-lipoic acid is an important cofactor in metabolism of energy of different organisms. Only a small amount is needed for this. Also, when it is present in sufficient quantities, it plays a role of an antioxidant. It is synthetized in the body, but it is also taken in by food. Small quantities of alpha-lipoic acid are found almost in all foodstuffs, mostly in entrails, meat, potato, beet and carrot.

Considering the fact that it contains one asymmetric carbon atom in its molecule, there are two possible stereoisomers of the alpha-lipoic acid form. Naturally biologically active R stereoisomer, while racemate is the product obtained by synthesis, with about 50% of biological activity of natural product because S stereoisomer is biologically inactive.

R-LIPOINN® contains only R form of alpha-lipoic acid, which is active, without S form which is inactive, and thus the bioavailability and therapeutic effect of R-LIPOINN® is 2.5 times higher, which has been proven by numerous clinical studies.

R-alpha lipoic acid – Eutomer of alpha lipoic acid – Biologically more preferred stereoisomer

Pharmacokinetic profile of R-alpha lipoic acid in the form of R-Lipoate – proven 2.5 times higher bioavailability than that of racemate.

How is it used?

1 to 2 capsules a day, it is best to take the product half an hour before the meal. Avoid milk and dairy products as well as products containing Fe Ca and Mg 2 hours before and after using R-LIPOINN® capsules.

Test for diagnosing diabetic neuropathy

Šta je dijabetesna neuropatija?

Oboljenje koje karakteriše progresivni gubitak nervnih vlakana uzrokujući gubitak osećaja, razvoj ulcera na stopalu i dovodi do amputacije. Dijabetesna neuropatija je jedna od najčešćih komplikacija šećerne bolesti.

Javlja se kod gotovo polovine osoba sa šećernom bolešću. U početku neuropatija često ne daje nikakve simptome. Kad krenu da se ispoljavaju, najčešće se manifestuje osećajem peckanja, mravinjanja I grčeva u stopalima, a može doći i do pojave žarećeg bola i neosetljivosti stopala. Hodanje je često otežano, koža stopala postaje suva, tanka i lako puca, a po njoj se stvaraju ranice.

Dijabetesna neuropatija predstavlja uvod u razvoj dijabetesnog stopala i dovodi do povećanog rizika za amputacijom ukoliko se ne otkrije na vreme i ne počne blagovremeno sa tretmanom.

Može li da se spreči?

Prevencija i tretman dijabetesne neuropatije zasniva se na primeni R oblika alfa lipoinske kiseline, snažnog antioksidansa. Kako je organizam ne može fiziološki stvoriti u dovoljnoj količini, mora se unositi u organizam u vidu kapsula i to u obliku koji ima najveću bioraspoloživost.

R alfa lipoinska kiselina je jedini oblik alfa lipoinske kiseline za koji je naučno dokazano da značajno povećava insulinsku senzitivnost, pojačava i poboljšava transport glukoze, pojačava metaboljičku aktivnost i smanjuje deponovanje telesne masnoće koje je vezano za starenje.

What is diabetic neuropathy?

A disease characterized by progressive loss of nerve fibers causing loss of sensation, development of foot ulcers and leading to amputation. Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common complications in diabetes.

It develops in almost half of persons with diabetes. At the onset, neuropathy often does not cause any symptoms. When they become manifest, it is most often in the form of pricking, tingling and cramps in the feet, and burning pain and numbness of feet can also occur. Walking is often difficult, foot skin becomes dry, thin and easily broken, with sores forming on it.

Diabetic neuropathy represents the condition causing the development of diabetic foot and results in increased risk of amputation if it is not detected and treated on time.

Can it be prevented?

Prevention and treatment of diabetic neuropathy is based on administration of R-alpha lipoic acid, a strong antioxidant. As the body cannot physiologically create sufficient quantities, it must be taken in the form of capsules and in the form with the greatest bioavailability.

R-alpha lipoic acid is the only form of alpha lipoic acid which has been scientifically proven to significantly increases the insulin sensitivity, increases and improves the glucose transportation, increases the metabolic activity and reduces depositing of body fat that is linked to aging.