New products from Innventa

Following ambitious new product introduction plan in H1 2018, Innventa have launched on Serbian, Bosnian an Montenegro market:

Serapinn® Forte 120.000 SPU

Serapinn® Forte 120.000 SPU is the extension of already very well established brand Serapinn, this time in form that due to double concentration of active ingredient (proteolitic enzyme Serrapeptase) presents the product of choice in acute phasis of strong infections and inflamations in Urology, Rheumatology, Physiatrics, Orthopedics, Ginecology, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry etc.

On 06th of February first quantities of new product:


were delivered on market. With Forticolinn® Innventa is enriching portfolio of products dedicated to  Urology, Rheumatology, Physiatrics, Orthopedics. Besides already well known Fortinn,  Forticolinn® is another product that contains bioactive collagen peptides , presenting innovation in keeping bones healthy and strong. Forticolinn stimulates creation of organic and nonorganic bone matrix, which is the proven method of increasing bone density as a best protection from bone fractures.

Innventa remains fully dedicated in solving health problems with products that are proved to be completely harmless and can be used even from most sensitive group of patients like kids, and women during pregnacy and lactation.