TENDOCOLINN® is a dietary supplement with specific bioactive collagen peptides obtained from hydrolysed bovine collagen, dry extract of acerola fruit and vitamin B6. Bioactive collagen peptides in the patented formulation Tendoforte®B stimulate the creation of collagen, proteoglycans and elastin, which provides for firmness, strength, better mobility and elasticity of tendons and ligaments.


In which conditions is the administration of TENDOCOLINN® recommended?

What does TENDOCOLINN®contain?

Active ingredients
1 sachet
Tendoforte®B (bioactive collagen peptides)
5 g
Dry extract of acerola fruit
120 mg
Vitamin C
30 mg
Vitamin B6
1,3 mg


High single dose of specific bioactive collagen peptides restores the structure of tendons and ligaments, which speeds up the process of recovery after injury, maintains the function of ligaments and tendons, reduces the risk of recurrence of injuries in the form of sprains.


High single dose of specific bioactive collagen peptides restores the structure of tendons and ligaments, which speeds up the process of recovery after injury, maintains the function of ligaments and tendons, reduces the risk of recurrence of injuries in the form of sprains.


Obtained from acerola, it contributes to the normal synthesis of collagen required for normal function of cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones. It hydroxylates the amino acids that make up the collagen fibres, thus providing the strength and elasticity of the newly formed collagen fibres.


High single dose of specific bioactive collagen peptides restores the structure of tendons and ligaments, which speeds up the process of recovery after injury, maintains the function of ligaments and tendons, reduces the risk of recurrence of injuries in the form of sprains.


Coenzyme in over 150 enzymatic reactions in our body playing a significant role in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, neutralizing the effect of free radicals and reducing the inflammation that accompanies sprains, ruptures and other injuries to tendons and ligaments.


High single dose of specific bioactive collagen peptides restores the structure of tendons and ligaments, which speeds up the process of recovery after injury, maintains the function of ligaments and tendons, reduces the risk of recurrence of injuries in the form of sprains.

Tendoforte®B – clinical studies

Method of use

Dilute one sachet of powder a day in 200 ml of fluid and drink it.
Presentation: 28 sachets.
Flavour: orange.

1. Pozitivan uticaj Bioaktivnih kolagenih peptida na ligamente i tetive, JISSN 15. 2018

Dizajn studije: Randomizovana, dvostrukoslepa, placebo-kontrolisana, monocentrična studija u kojoj je učestvovalo 60 žena i muškaraca sportista (50 na kraju studije). Dijagnoza: hronična nestabilnost skočnog zgloba (CAI) – CAIT≤24. Ispitivana grupa je uzimala 5 g Tendoforte®B, a placebo grupa 5 g maltodekstrina svakog dana. Terapija je primenjivana 6 meseci, ispitanici su praćeni još 3 meseca. Dodatna propisana terapija: 3 puta nedeljno po 10 minuta vežbe (čučnjevi, preskakanje konopca), istog intenziteta tokom celog perioda ispitivanja; suplementacija 1h po završetku ciklusa vežbi.
Rezultati studije: Nakon 6 meseci kontinuirane primene proizvoda Tendoforte®B došlo je do statistički značajnog povećanja vrednosti merenih parametara: poboljšana stabilnost skočnog zgloba, povećana izdržljivost, redukovan osećaj bola. Na pregledu 3 meseca po završetku primene terapije, zabeleženo je da 96% pacijenata iz grupe koja je uzimala Tendoforte®B nije imalo ponovna uganuća skočnog zgloba, kod 84% je uspostavljena potpuna stabilnost zgloba, a značajno je smanjen  rizik od nastanka novih povreda .

2. Ispitivanje efikasnosti primene proizvoda Tendoforte®B u terapiji hronične tendiopatije ahilove tetive, 2017;29(Suppl.):O26.

Dizajn studije:

Randomizovana, dvostrukoslepa, placebo-kontrolisana, cross-over studija u kojoj je učestvovalo 20 ispitanika profesionalnih sportista trkača, sa unilateralnim (n=7) ili bilatelarnim (n=13) kliničkim simptomima tendiopatije srednjeg stepena. Klinička dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovu zadebljanja tetive 2-6 cm. Nisu mogli da trče i konvencionalna terapija im nije pomogla. Dužina trajanja studije je šest meseci.

Praćen je VISA-A, koji predstavlja parametar za procenu kliničke ozbiljnosti stanja pacijenata sa hroničnom tendinopatijom ahilove tetive. To je upitnik za procenjivanje simptoma i njihov uticaj na fizičko stanje i sposobnosti pacijenta. Sadrži 8 pitanja koja se odnose na bol, funkcionalnost i simptome koji se javljaju pri fizičkoj aktivnosti. Maksimalan skor je 100. Pravljen je presek studije na 3 i 6 meseci.

Rezultati studije: U grupi koja je uzimala Tendoforte®B postoji statistički značajno povećanje VISA-A skora (73,4) nakon 3 meseca terapije. Grupa koja je nakon 3 meseca primene placeba prešla na Tendoforte®B je 6 meseci nakon početka studije imala statistički značajno uvećanje VISA-A skora (85,8). Nakon 3 meseca, redovnim treninzima i trčanju se vratilo 60% ispitanika iz prve grupe i 30% iz druge. Nakon 6 meseci taj broj se povećao na 70% iz prve i 50% iz druge grupe.

1. Positive impact of bioactive collagen peptides to ligaments and tendons JISSN 15. 2018 2018

Study design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, monocentric study with participation of 60 women and men athletes, (50 at the end of study). Diagnosis: chronic ankle instability (CAI) – CAIT≤24. The tested group was taking 5 g of Tendoforte®B, while placebo group was taking 5 g of maltodextrin every day. Therapy was administered for 6 months, the subjects were monitored for another 3 months. Additional prescribed therapy: 3 times a week by 10 minutes of exercise (squats, skipping rope), of the same intensity during the overall period of testing; supplementation 1h upon the completion of the exercises cycle.
Study results: After 6 months of continuous administration of the product Tendoforte®B there was a statistically significant increase of measured parameters values: stability of ankle was improved, increased endurance and reduced sense of pain. It was recorded at the examination done 3 months upon completion of therapy that 96% of patients from the group that was taking Tendoforte®B did not have repeated ankle sprains, 84% of them established complete joint stability, and the risk of new injuries significantly decreased.

2. Testing of efficiency of administration of Tendoforte®B in therapy of chronic Achilles tendinopathy, 2017;29(Suppl.):O26.

Study design:

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study with participation of 20 subjects, professional runners with unilateral (n=7) or bilateral (n=13) clinical symptoms of mid-portion tendinopathy. Clinical diagnosis was established on the basis of 2-6 cm thickening of the tendon. They could not run and conventional therapy was not effective. Length of study was six months.

VISA-A which represents the parameter for the assessment of clinical seriousness of the condition of patients with chronic Achilles tendinopathy was monitored. It is a questionnaire for assessing symptoms and their impact on the patient’s physical condition and abilities. It contains 8 questions referring to pain, functionality and symptoms accompanying physical activity. Maximum score is 100. The study was reviewed at month 3 and month 6.

Study results: There is a statistically significant increase of VISA-A score (73.4) in a group that administered Tendoforte®B after 3 months of therapy. The group that switched to Tendoforte®B after 3 months of taking placebo had a statistically significant increase in VISA-A score (85.8) 6 months after the start of the study. After 3 months, 60% of subjects from the first group and 30% from the second group resumed the regular training sessions and running. After 6 months this number increased to 70% from the first and 50% from the second group.