Champions of Innventa kulture H2 2022: Innventa’s organizational culture is the alpha and omega of our business

Innventa’s organizational culture is the foundation of our company’s success. It is the source of all the values ​​we cultivate, growing as a company and individuals united in a team that is undoubtedly one of the best on the territory of West Balkan.

Guided by the postulates on which our organizational culture rests, with the tendency to continue with cultivating a good team spirit and rewarding individuals and teams who live the Innventa culture, in the second half of 2022, the recognition of Innventa culture champions went to the team from Bosnia and Herzegovina, area managers Nataša Erak Đaković and Miloš Trifković.

Nataša Erak Đaković has a master’s degree in pharmacy, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Banja Luka – Department of Pharmacy, in 2011. For the first two years after graduating from university, she worked in the wholesale of drugs, where, as she says, she gained a broader picture of the drug market in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was followed by work in pharmaceutical marketing until today. She joined the Innventa team in March, 2017. From then until 2021, she has been working independently on the B&H market, primarily focusing on work in the Banja Luka and Doboj regions.

In 2021, Nataša gets an associate and reinforcement, forming a team together with colleague Miloš Trifković. Since that moment, Innventa has expanded its scope to other parts of the Republic of Srpska and to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. Miloš Trifković is a pharmacist who graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2014 at the University of Belgrade. He started working in the wholesale of drugs in 2015 as a sales associate, and stayed there until 2021, when he started working in pharmaceutical marketing at Innventa. He based his work in the eastern part of the Republika Srpska entity, and from 2022 he started actively promoting our company and portfolio on the territory of the Tuzla Canton.

In an informal, pleasant and friendly atmosphere, we had a conversation with them in order to learn about their view of teamwork and Innventa’s organizational culture.

1. When was the current B&H team formed and how did the beginning look like?

Nataša: After less than 4 years of my independent work on this market, I got a big reinforcement and refreshment with my colleague Miloš joining, when he started his work for Innventa in January 2021. From the very start of our joint work, we had an excellent synergy. Although our fields of work do not essentially overlap due to territorial separation, we have a daily consultation. We make plans on our activities together and we find ourselves on the same frequency.

Miloš: Every change in life is challenging and uncertain, it can be complicated as well. However, when during some change, at some new beginning, you have people like Natasha, then that change does not seem dramatic or difficult, everything comes off easier and the whole dynamic of change is less unpleasant. Thanks to Natasha, I sailed into some new waters for me, in the field of pharmaceutical marketing, very quickly and learned a lot from her, which later made my work in this field much easier.

2. Does your synergy has an affect on both your team and individual achievements? How important is it to work in a compact team?

Natasha: Absolutely. We function, I would say, as one. Very often we understand each other so well that we have the same projections and that definitely makes our work easier. Compact teamwork increases the probability that you will come up with creative and good solutions. It also allows team members to learn from others’ experiences. Miloš and I get along wonderfully. I would say that I am (laughs), I am a more experienced and beautiful member of the team, and Miloš then has to be smarter and stronger (laughs).

Miloš: Following up the previous question, absolutely…

Natasha: Natasha is more beautiful, absolutely (laughs)

Miloš: I absolutely agree with that, except that it is not a compliment in comparison with me (laughs). After all these years of working in the pharmaceutical industry, I’m truly convinced that the synergy and compactness of each team are of crucial importance for achieving goals and achieving continuous results. It’s an understatement to say that I’m happy with the way Natasha and I work. It is much easier to deal with challenges when you know that you always have someone by your side who you can rely on and that together, in a very short period of time, you can find the best solutions that are in the best interest of the company. As a result, an individual in that atmosphere makes daily and continuous progress as well. Sometimes I’m honestly impressed by how little communication is needed between the two of us to come up with the best solution in a given moment. Such examples show that our compactness and synergy contribute to the company’s results.

3. What does the unique Innventa organizational culture represent to you?

Nataša: Innventa’s organizational culture is the alpha and omega of our business. It is two-way communication between team members, and more broadly, in the relationship with management. We at Innventa really have open communication. Therefore, we openly present ideas, thoughts, suggestions, opinions, and practically, this culture guarantees us a good atmosphere in the team.

Miloš: For me, Innventa’s culture represents the most reliable guideline that allows you to respond to all challenges in a timely manner and get the best solution at every moment.

4. The management was unanimous in its decision to declare you as champions of Innventa culture. To what do you attribute this recognition?

Nataša: I attribute this merit to mutual respect, trust and true joy for every success, both individual and team. I believe that a team is only successful if we are both successful. That, I believe, is the key to everything, and we owe it the greatest credit.

Miloš: I attribute this merit to our mutual relationship, then the way we treat our business obligations, as well as the way we represent our company on this market. All this was recognized by the people who run this company, therefore they gave us this recognition, for which we are very grateful and which certainly represents an obligation for us to, in the coming period, do our best and to continue to give our maximum.