NATTOKINN® is a dietary supplement with fermented soybean extract containing the proteolytic enzyme nattokinase NSK-SD® and folic acid. Folic acid, as calcium-L-methylfolate, plays a role in the process of cell division, contributes to normal blood formation, as well as normal homocysteine metabolism. Also, folate contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.

Thanks to its unique mechanism of action, NATTOKINN® reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, prevents the appearance of new blood clots, lowers blood pressure levels, reduces the extent of atherosclerosis and prevents the sticking of platelets, reduces blood fat levels, improves circulation and protects the nervous system.

Nattokinase NSK-SD® is a patented formulation containing the original nattokinase, originally from Japan, on which numerous clinical studies were conducted that proved the therapeutic effects of this enzyme.

In which conditions is the administration of NATTOKINN® recommended?

What does NATTOKINN® contain?

Active ingredients:
1 capsule
Fermented soybean extract
(nattokinase NSK-SD® 20.000 FU*/g)
100 mg
Folic acid (calcium-L-methylfolate)
200 µg

*FU – Fibrinolytic units

Nattokinase is an enzyme isolated from the traditional Japanese dish nattō, which is obtained by fermenting soybeans and adding the bacterium Bacillus subtilis natto, which effectively breaks down fibrin (a protein involved in blood clot formation). Nattokinase lowers blood pressure, lowers blood fats, affects the atherosclerosis process, blocks the sticking of platelets and provides protection to the nervous system. Thanks to its beneficial effects, nattokinase can be used as a dietary supplement in the prevention and as adjuvant therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

Caution and consultation with a doctor are required before administering NATTOKINN® in people with an increased risk of bleeding, people taking anticoagulant therapy, as well as people with low blood pressure values. Note: Nattokinase cannot replace prescribed anti-clotting therapy. Surgical interventions increase the risk of bleeding, which is why it is advised to stop taking nattokinase at least two weeks before the planned surgical procedure.

Previous experimental, clinical and toxicological tests of nattokinase have not recorded any adverse reactions when using this product. Nattokinase is an enzyme present in the daily diet of the Japanese population, which additionally speaks in favour of its safe use. In addition, the bacterium that ferments soybeans during the production of nattokinase (Bacillus subtilis natto) does not cause disease in humans.

Method and lenght of use:
Adults: 1-2 capsules a day with about 200 ml of water.
Length of administration: NATTOKINN® is a dietary supplement and duration of its use cannot be defined. It is advised that minimum length of administration is 2 months or according to the doctor’s advice.
Presentation: 30 gastroresistant capsules.

Kardiovaskularna oboljenja

Kardiovaskularna oboljenja predstavljaju vodeći uzrok oboljevanja i smrtnosti širom sveta. Poslednjih decencija se velika pažnja posvećuje prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti i modifikaciji faktora rizika. Na neke faktore rizika se može uticati, kao što su ishrana, telesna težina, fizička aktivnost, regulisanje krvnog pritiska i šećerne bolesti, dok se na genetsku osnovu, starost i pol ne može uticati.

Ispitivanja različitih populacija i njihovog kardiovaskularnog opterećenja pokazala su da stanovnici azijskog kontinenta, naročito Japana, imaju iznenađujuće nižu stopu oboljevanja od kardiovaskularnih bolesti i manji rizik od koronarne bolesti srca u poređenju sa ostatkom sveta. Pretpostavlja se da je jedan od razloga njihove dugovečnosti i manjeg kardiovaskularnog rizika hrana koju redovno konzumiraju. Pored manjeg unosa zasićenih masnih kiselina i većeg unosa ribe, smatra se i da veći unos soje doprinosi manjem kardiovaskularnom oboljevanju i smrtnosti u Japanu.  U ovaj način ishrane spada i korišćenje hrane pod nazivom nattō koja se dobija fermentacijom soje i predstavlja tradicionalni doručak u Japanu.

Osamdesetih godina prošlog veka grupa istraživača iz hrane nattō je izolovala jedan interesantan enzim kome je dala ime natokinaza. Pokazalo se da natokinaza ispoljava višestruke korisne efekte koji mogu biti korisni u prevenciji i terapiji kardiovaskularnih bolesti.

Laboratorijskim i kliničkim ispitivanjima je dokazano da natokinaza može da razgradi fibrin u krvnom ugrušku. Takodje, naučnici su dokazali da natokinaza smanjuje slepljivanje trombocita, aterosklerotske naslage i vrednosti krvnog pritiska i da doprinosi zaštiti nervnog sistema.

Efekti natokinaze, kao snažnog i prirodnog enzima, pokazali su se korisnim kao dodatna suplementacija u sprečavanju nastanka kardiovaskularnih oboljenja.

Uloga folata u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih oboljenja

Folati predstavljaju biološki aktivnu formu folne kiseline i neophodni za sintezu genetskog materijala i deobu ćelija organizma. Takodje, folati ostvaruju važnu ulogu u sprečavanju nastanka kardiovaskularnih oboljenja.

Nedostatak folata može izazvati pojedine anemije i prateće simptome poput slabosti, pada koncentracije, osećaja konstantnog umora, razdražljivost, lupanje srca. Na smanjenje koncentracije folata utiče i povećana konzumacija alkohola i pojedine bolesti creva. Poseban problem predstavlja činjenica da skoro 2/3 (58%) osoba u Srbiji ima urođeni nedostatak enzima koji metaboliše neaktivne oblike folne kiseline u aktivnu formu – folate. Usled deficita folata u krvi dolazi do povećanja nivoa homocisteina.

Homocistein je aminokiselina koja se stvara kao međuproizvod tokom metabolizma sulfo-aminokiselina i normalno je prisutan u svim ćelijama organizma. Visok nivo homocisteina može doprineti oštećenju arterija i stvaranju krvnih ugrušaka u krvnim sudovima zbog čega predstavlja nezavisni faktor rizika za nastanak srčanog i moždanog udara.

Umereno povišeni nivoi homocisteina mogu biti podjednako visok faktor rizika za nastanak kardiovaskularnih oboljenja kao klasični faktori rizika poput povišenog krvnog pritiska, visokih vrednosti masnoće u krvi, šećerne bolesti, gojaznosti i dr. Najnovija istraživanja ukazuju da čak 10% populacije sa kardiovaskularnim rizicima ima povišene vrednosti homocisteina.

Folati mogu biti od izuzetne važnosti u smanjenju povišenih vrednosti homocisteina.

Promene u načinu života i ishrani, kao i korišćenje suplemenata na bazi folata, u velikoj meri mogu uticati na smanjenje deficita folata i posledično smanjenje nivoa homocisteina u plazmi, a samim tim i na smanjenje učestalosti ateroskleroze koja predstavlja najčešći uzrok svih kardiovaskularnih oboljenja.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In recent decades, much attention has been paid to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the modification of risk factors. Some risk factors can be influenced, such as diet, body weight, physical activity, regulation of blood pressure and diabetes, while the genetic background, age and gender cannot be influenced.

Studies of different populations and their cardiovascular burden have shown that residents of the Asian continent, especially Japan, have a surprisingly lower rate of cardiovascular diseases and a lower risk of coronary heart disease compared to the rest of the world. It is assumed that one of the reasons for their longevity and lower cardiovascular risk is the food they regularly consume. In addition to a lower intake of saturated fatty acids and a higher intake of fish, a higher intake of soy is also thought to contribute to lower cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Japan. This diet also includes the use of food called nattō, which is obtained by fermenting soybeans and is a traditional breakfast in Japan.

In the 1980s, a group of researchers isolated an interesting enzyme from nattō food that they named nattokinase. Nattokinase has been shown to exert multiple beneficial effects that may be useful in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Laboratory and clinical tests have proven that nattokinase can break down fibrin in a blood clot. Also, scientists have proven that nattokinase reduces the sticking of platelets, atherosclerotic deposits and blood pressure values and contributes to the protection of the nervous system.

The effects of nattokinase, as a powerful and natural enzyme, have been shown to be useful as an additional supplement in preventing the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

The role of folate in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Folates represent a biologically active form of folic acid and are necessary for the synthesis of genetic material and the division of organism cells. Folates also play an important role in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Lack of folates can cause certain anaemias and accompanying symptoms such as weakness, loss of concentration, feeling of constant fatigue, irritability, palpitations. Decreased folate concentration is also influenced by increased alcohol consumption and certain bowel diseases. A special problem is the fact that almost 2/3 (58%) of people in Serbia have a congenital deficiency of the enzyme that metabolizes the inactive forms of folic acid into the active form – folates. Homocysteine levels increase due to folate deficiency in the blood.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that is created as an intermediate product during sulfo-amino acid metabolism and is normally present in all cells of the body. A high level of homocysteine can contribute to damage to arteries and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, which is why it is an independent risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

Moderately elevated levels of homocysteine can be as high a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases as classic risk factors such as high blood pressure, high levels of fat in the blood, diabetes, obesity, etc. The latest research indicates that as many as 10% of the population with cardiovascular risks have elevated homocysteine values.

Folates can be extremely important in reducing elevated homocysteine levels.

Changes in lifestyle and diet, as well as the use of folate-based supplements, can greatly influence the reduction of folate deficiency and the consequent reduction of plasma homocysteine levels, and thus the reduction of the frequency of atherosclerosis, which is the most common cause of all cardiovascular diseases.