LUPRINN® contains the dry extract of hop cones which has a beneficial effect to menopausal symptoms. Active ingredient of the product has been obtained from the extract of hop cones, 8-prenylnaringenin is the most potent phytoestrogen showing the pronounced estrogen activity and it has structural similarities and its profile of action is similar to female sex hormones the lack of which in menopause is compensated by using the product LUPRINN®.


Who is LUPRINN® intended to?

Menopausal women
Persons under
too much stress
Persons suffering from insomnia
Persons with
occasional anxiety

What does LUPRINN® contain?

Active ingredient
1 capsule (recommended daily dose)
Luprenol™ dry extract of hop cones
(Humulus lupulus L.)
335 mg
0,03% 8-prenylnaringenin
100 μg

How LUPRINN® works?

What do experts say?

Method of use:

Once a day, take one capsule with a glass of water.
Packaging: 30 capsules.


Menopauza predstavlja završetak reproduktivne sposobnosti žena, a uzrokovana je hormonskim promenama. Radi se o prirodnoj pojavi koja se javlja kod starijih žena usled iscrpljivanja funkcije jajnika. Tokom perioda menopauze dolazi do velikih promena u načinu funkcionisanja organizma žene, ali i do promena koje utiču na kvalitet života jer pored fizičkih poteškoća, javljaju se psihički problemi koji narušavaju svakodnevno funkcionisanje. Menopauza se najčešće javlja u razdoblju između 45. i 55. godine. Ne treba je doživljavati kao bolest, već kao proces privikavanja organizma na novonastale promene.


Menopause is the end of a woman’s reproductive years, and it is caused by hormonal changes. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs in older women due to exhaustion of ovarian function. There are great changes in the way how the woman’s body works during the period of menopause, but also changes that affect the quality of life, because in addition to physical difficulties, there are also psychological problems that distract everyday living. Menopause occurs most frequently between the ages of 45. and 55. It should not be perceived as a disease, but as a process of body adapting to the new changes.