GRAMINN® Forte is a dietary supplement containing extracts of saw palmetto fruit, nettle roots, rye seeds, purified pollen extracts, zinc and selenium, intended for people with benign prostatic hyperplasia, acute and chronic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain and erectile dysfunction.

Through the synergistic action of active ingredients, the product GRAMINN® Forte effectively reduces urinary symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia, such as difficult, painful, frequent and urgent urination, reduces the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and nocturnal urination, reduces inflammation and swelling of the prostate tissue, prevents the progression of the disease and has a beneficial effect on erectile function.

In what conditions is it recommended to use the product GRAMINN® Forte ?

Why GRAMINN® Forte?

What does GRAMINN® Forte contain?

Active ingredients:
1 capsule (daily dose)
Dry extract of saw palmetto fruit (Saw palmetto), standardized at minimum 45% of fatty acids
208 mg
Dry aueous-ethanol extract of nettle root (Urtica dioica , 8-10:1)
100 mg
Graminex® G60® Flower Pollen ExtractTM , powder
60 mg
Graminex® GFXTM 7% Flower Pollen ExtractTM , powder
3 mg
Dry aqueous-ethanol extract of rye seeds (Secale cereale , 4:1)
60 mg
Zinc (zinc gluconate)
5 mg
Selenium (sodium selenite)
55 μg

Method of use

Adults: 1 capsule a day, with 2 dl of water, after a meal.

Notes: Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. It is important to follow a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Warnings: The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. The product is not intended for people under 18 years of age, nor for people who are hypersensitive to any of the product's ingredients. Due to possible interactions, people taking medication should consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.

Packaging: 30 capsules.

Šta predstavlja benigna hiperplazija prostate?

Benigna hiperplazija prostate (BHP) je funkcionalni poremećaj urogenitalnog sistema koji se najčešće javlja kod muške populacije starije od 45 godina i predstavlja dobroćudno uvećanje žlezdanog tkiva prostate.

Koliko je česta benigna hiperplazija prostate?

Stručnjaci procenjuju da BHP pogađa 5-6% muškaraca od 40. do 64. godine života i 29-33% osoba od 65 i više godina. BHP je najčešća patologija kod muškaraca starijih od 50 godina i retko se javlja pre četrdesete godine života.

Koje su komplikacije benigne hiperplazije prostate?

Uvećano žlezdano tkivo prostate može izazvati simptome koji su povezani sa pražnjenjem bešike. Vremenom kako prostata raste, pritiska mokraćnu cev, mišići mokraćne bešike se snažnije kontrahuju da bi potisnuli urin kroz suženi mokraćni kanal, što uzrokuje simptome koji su povezani sa mokrenjem. Tokom kasnije faze, mišići bešike slabe zbog čega se mokraćna bešika ne može isprazniti u potpunosti i nastaje zadržavanje urina u bešici.

Takođe, mogu se javiti i komplikacije poput krvi u mokraći (hematurija), infekcije mokraćnog sistema, bolesti bubrega, kamen u bešici i dr.

Koji su simptomi benigne hiperplazije prostate?

U sklopu benigne hiperplazije prostate javljaju se simptomi koji su povezani sa otežanim mokrenjem. Najčešći simptomi su nemogućnost potpunog pražnjenja bešike, slab ili isprekidan mlaz prilikom mokrenja, pojava noćnog mokrenja ili hitnosti za mokrenjem, često mokrenje ili pojava bola.

Šta uzrokuje benignu hiperplaziju prostate?

Pretpostavka je da faktori koji su povezani sa starenjem mogu izazvati benigno uvećanje prostate upravo iz razloga što je ova bolest češća kod starijih pacijenata. Najzastupljenija teorija nastanka bolesti obuhvata promene u nivoima polnih hormona koji mogu biti odgovorni za nastanak BHP.

Kako zdravstveni radnici dijagnostikuju benignu hiperplaziju prostate?

Zdravstveni radnik postavlja dijagnozu benigne hiperplazije prostate na osnovu lične i porodične istorije bolesti, fizikalnog pregleda, medicinskih testova i dijagnostičkih procedura.

Kako zdravstveni radnici leče benignu hiperplaziju prostate?

BHP se može lečiti pažljivim praćenjem (aktivni nadzor), lekovima ili operacijom. Zdravstveni radnik će razmotriti koliko su ozbiljni simptomi i kako oni utiču na kvalitet života pre predstavljanja terapijskih opcija pacijentu.

Najčešća farmakološka terapija podrazumeva primenu alfa-blokatora (opuštaju mišiće bešike i prostate i olakšavaju mokrenje), primenu inhibitora 5-alfa reduktaze (pomažu u zaustavljanju rasta ili smanjenju prostate, poboljšavajući protok mokraće) i inhibitori fosfodiesteraze-5, koji opuštaju mišiće oko bešike i prostate i mogu da ublaže simptome BHP. Pojedini lekovi mogu da prouzrokuju ozbiljne neželjene efekte, zbog čega je vrlo važno prijaviti ih zdravstvenom radniku.

U terapiji se mogu koristiti i biljni lekovi i biljni suplementi koji dokazano olakšavaju urinarne simptome povezane sa benignim uvećanjem prostate.

Može li da se spreči benigna hiperplazija prostate?

Istraživači i naučnici još uvek nisu pronašli način da spreče BHP, ali fizička aktivnost može pomoći u smanjenju rizika. Ukoliko postoje faktori rizika za BHP, preporučuje se razgovor sa zdravstvenim radnicima o svim simptomima donjeg urinarnog trakta i periodicitetu budućih pregleda. Rani tretman može pomoći u smanjenju efekata BHP na kvalitet života.

Kako ishrana i dijeta utiču na benignu hiperplaziju prostate?

Nije dokazano da dijeta ili ishrana izazivaju ili sprečavaju BPH. Međutim, promene u ishrani i navikama (ograničenje konzumacije tečnosti, izbegavanje kofeina i alkohola), mogu pomoći u lečenju ili smanjenju pojedinih simptoma.


    1. Langan RC. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Primary Care. 2019;46(2):223232.
    2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Associated Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. In: 2024 Urologic Diseases in America: Annual Data Report. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health; 2024. Updated April 26, 2024. Accessed June 4, 2024
    3. McConnell JD, Roehrborn CG, Bautista OM, et al. The long-term effect of doxazosin, finasteride, and combination therapy on the clinical progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2003;349(25):2387–2398.

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a functional disorder of the urogenital system that most often occurs in the male population over 45 years of age and it is a benign enlargement of the glandular tissue of the prostate.

How common is benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Experts estimate that BPH affects 5-6% of men aged 40 to 64 and 29-33% of people aged 65 and over. BPH is the most common pathology in men over the age of 50 and rarely occurs before the age of forty.

What are the complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Enlarged glandular tissue of the prostate can cause symptoms associated with emptying of the bladder. Over time, as the prostate grows, it presses on the urethra, the bladder muscles contract more forcefully to force urine through the narrowed urethra, causing symptoms associated with urination. During the later stage, the muscles of the bladder weaken due to which the bladder cannot be emptied completely and urine is retained in the bladder.

Also, complications such as blood in the urine (haematuria), infections of the urinary system, kidney disease, bladder stones, etc. may occur.

What are the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Symptoms associated with difficulty urinating occur as part of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The most common symptoms are the inability to completely empty the bladder, a weak or intermittent stream when urinating, the appearance of nocturnal urination or the urgency to urinate, frequent urination or the appearance of pain.

What causes benign prostatic hyperplasia?

It is assumed that factors associated with aging may cause benign prostatic enlargement because this disease is more common in older patients. The most common theory of the origin of the disease includes changes in the levels of sex hormones that may be responsible for the development of BPH.

How do healthcare professionals diagnose benign prostatic hyperplasia?

A healthcare professional diagnoses benign prostatic hyperplasia based on personal and family medical history, physical examination, medical tests and diagnostic procedures.

How do healthcare professionals treat benign prostatic hyperplasia?

BPH can be treated with close monitoring (active surveillance), medication, or surgery. A healthcare professional will consider how severe the symptoms are and how they affect quality of life before presenting treatment options to the patient.

The most common pharmacological therapy includes the use of alpha blockers (they relax the muscles of the bladder and prostate and facilitate urination), the use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (they help stop the growth or shrink the prostate, improving urine flow) and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, which relax the muscles around the bladder and prostate and can relieve symptoms of BPH. Some medicines can cause serious side effects, which is why it is very important to report them to a healthcare professional.

Herbal medicines and herbal supplements can be used in therapy, which have been proven to alleviate urinary symptoms associated with benign prostate enlargement.

Can benign prostatic hyperplasia be prevented?

Researchers and scientists have not yet found a way to prevent BPH, but physical activity can help reduce the risk. If there are risk factors for BPH, it is recommended to talk to health professionals about all symptoms of the lower urinary tract and the periodicity of future examinations. Early treatment can help reduce the effects of BPH on quality of life.

How does nutrition affect benign prostatic hyperplasia?

It has not been proven that diet or nutrition cause or prevent BPH. However, changes in diet and habits (restricting fluid consumption, avoiding caffeine and alcohol) can help treat or reduce certain symptoms.


    1. Langan RC. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Primary Care. 2019;46(2):223232.
    2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Associated Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. In: 2024 Urologic Diseases in America: Annual Data Report. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health; 2024. Updated April 26, 2024. Accessed June 4, 2024
    3. McConnell JD, Roehrborn CG, Bautista OM, et al. The long-term effect of doxazosin, finasteride, and combination therapy on the clinical progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2003;349(25):2387–2398.