
Unique pure rye seed extract, Secale Cereale, provenly relieves symptoms of BPH and improves the prostate function.


Proven in more than 100 clinical studies and officially listed in the EUA guide as a phytotherapy in treatment and control of BPH.

Clinically proven relief of BPH and UTI symptoms:


Adults: 1 capsule a day with 2 dl of water, after a meal.
Package: 30, 60 caps.



G63® (Graminex® G60® Flower Pollen Extract™ i Graminex GFX™ 7% Flower Pollen Extract™) je standardizovani polenov prah koji sadrži tačno propisane količine fitosterola i aminokiselina za svaku proizvedenu seriju. Gotov proizvod sadrži singergijsku formulu prirodnih aktivnih principa koji uključuju fitosterole, vitamine, minerale, aminokiseline, enzime, masne kiseline i flavonoide.

Savremena tehnologija izrade omogućava izolovanje polena iz jezgra zrna bogatog aktivnih principima i eliminaciju svih alergena i nus produkata koji se nalaze u omotaču.



G63® (Graminex® G60® Flower Pollen Extract™ i Graminex GFX™ 7% Flower Pollen Extract™)is a standardized pollen powder which contains precisely prescribed quantities of phytosterols and amino acids for each produced lot. Finished product contains the synergic formula of natural active principles including phytosterols, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, fatty acids and flavonoids.

Modern production technology enables isolation of pollen from the grain core rich in active principles and elimination of all allergens and by-products found in the wall.