INNURID® is a dietary supplement that contains uridine-5-monophosphate, B complex vitamins (B1, B6, B12, folic acid) and copper, which contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system, normal psychological function and reducing fatigue and exhaustion. Thanks to specific formulation with uridine-5-monophosphate, INNURID® in diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system, reduces pain, accelerates recovery, protects the nervous system and improves quality of life.

In which conditions is INNURID® recommended?


What does INNURID® contain?

Active ingredients:
1 capsule (daily dose)
50 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine-hydrochloride)
2 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine-hydrochloride)
3 mg
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
10 μg
Copper (copper (II)-gluconate)
0,16 mg
Folic acid (calcium-L-methyltetrahydrofolate)
400 μg

Method of use

Adults: 1 capsule a day.

Notes: Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. It is important to follow a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Warnings: The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. The product is not intended for persons hypersensitive to any ingredient of the product, people under 18 years old, pregnant and lactating women.

Presentation: 30 capsules.

Kako nastaje oštećenje perifernih nerava – periferna neuropatija?

Periferna neuropatija nastaje usled oštećenja perifernih nerava (živaca) koji se nalaze izvan mozga i kičmene moždine, zbog čega nastaje slabost, utrnulost i bol, najčešće u rukama i stopalima. Oštećenja mogu nastati usled povrede, infekcije, metaboličkih bolesti, naslednih bolesti ili izloženosti toksinima. Jedan od najčešćih uzroka oštećenja živaca (neuropatija) je dijabetes.

Koje simptome izaziva oštećenje perifernog nerva?

Simptomi zavise od vrste zahvaćenih nerava (živaca). Nervi se mogu podeliti na: senzorne (primaju senzacije, kao što su temperatura, bol, vibracije ili dodir), motorne (kontrola kretanja mišića) i autonomne (kontrola funkcija poput vrednosti krvnog pritiska, otkucaja srca, varenja i dr.).

Najčešći simptomi su:

  • Utrnulost i peckanje u stopalima ili rukama
  • Oštar, ubodajući, pulsirajući ili žareći bol
  • Ekstremna osetljivost na dodir
  • Bol tokom aktivnosti koje ne bi trebalo da izazivaju bol
  • Nedostatak koordinacije, slabost mišića
  • Osećaj “rukavica” ili “čarapa” na rukama ili nogama
  • Nemogućnost izvođenja punog obima pokreta
  • Promene vrednosti krvnog pritiska, dinamike varenja i sl.

Koji su uzroci nastanka oštećenja perifernog nervnog sistema?

Različite bolesti i stanja mogu da prouzrokuju oštećenje perifernog nervnog sistema, kao što su: autoimune bolesti, šećerna bolest i druge metaboličke bolesti, infekcije, nasledni poremećaji, zloupotreba alkohola, nedostatak vitamina, izloženost toksinima i pojedini lekovi. Takodje, povreda (trauma) ili pritisak na nerv mogu biti uzrok oštećenja.

Najznačajniji i najčešći faktori rizika za nastanak oštećenja perifernih nerava su: šećerna bolest, zloupotreba alkohola, nedostatak vitamina, infekcije, bolesti bubrega, jetre ili štitne žlezde.

Usled dugotrajnog oštećenja perifernih nerava mogu da se razviju komplikacije, poput povreda kože, infekcija, slabosti ili gubitak osećaja za pokret.

Može li da se spreči oštećenje perifernih nerava?

Najbolji način za sprečavanje oštećenja perifernih nerava je adekvatno upravljanje faktorima rizika koji mogu doprineti oštećenju. Važno je konzumirati ishranu bogatu voćem, povrćem, integralnim žitaricama i nemasnim proteinima, kao i meso, ribu, jaja, nisko-masnu mlečnu hranu i obogaćene žitarice.

Očuvanju perifernog nervnog sistema doprinosi, pored pravilne i izbalansirane ishrane i redovna fizička aktivnost (najmanje 30-60 minuta, tri puta nedeljno) i izbegavanje konzumacije cigareta i/ili alkohola.


  1. Preuzeto i adaptirano sa website-a, dana 28.11.2024. god.

How does peripheral nerve damage - peripheral neuropathy occur?

Peripheral neuropathy occurs as a result of damage to peripheral nerves located outside the brain and spinal cord, causing weakness, numbness and pain, most often in the hands and feet. Damage can result from injury, infection, metabolic disease, hereditary disease, or exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes of nerve damage (neuropathy) is diabetes.

What symptoms does peripheral nerve damage cause?

Symptoms depend on the type of affected nerves. Nerves can be divided into: sensory (receive sensations, such as temperature, pain, vibrations or touch), motor (control of muscle movement) and autonomic (control of functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, etc.)

The most common symptoms are:

  • Numbness and tingling in the feet or hands
  • Sharp, pricking, throbbing or burning pain
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch
  • Pain during activities that should not cause pain
  • Lack of coordination, muscle weakness
  • Feeling of ‘gloves’ or ‘socks’ on the hands or feet
  • Inability to perform a full range of motion
  • Changes in blood pressure values, digestion dynamics, etc.

What are the causes of damage to the peripheral nervous system?

Various diseases and conditions can cause damage to the peripheral nervous system, such as: autoimmune diseases, diabetes and other metabolic diseases, infections, hereditary disorders, alcohol abuse, vitamin deficiency, exposure to toxins and certain drugs. Also, injury (trauma) or pressure on the nerve can be the cause of the damage.

The most significant and common risk factors for peripheral nerve damage are: diabetes, alcohol abuse, vitamin deficiency, infections, kidney, liver or thyroid disease.

Long-term damage to peripheral nerves can lead to complications, such as skin injuries, infections, weakness or loss of sense of movement.

Can peripheral nerve damage be prevented?

The best way to prevent peripheral nerve damage is to adequately manage the risk factors that may contribute to the damage. It is important to follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, as well as meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy and fortified cereals.

In addition to a proper and balanced diet, regular physical activity (at least 30-60 minutes, three times a week) and avoiding the consumption of cigarettes and/or alcohol contribute to the preservation of the peripheral nervous system.


  1. Downloaded and adapted from the website:, on 28/11/2024, on 28/11/2024.