OLIGOPINN® is a dietary supplement based on dry extract of maritime pine bark which contains standardized composition of procyanidins, bioflavonoids, catechins and organic acids. Maritime pine bark protects blood vessels and contributes to maintaining optimum circulation.

Pine bark extract increases the synthesis of nitric oxide in the endothelium of blood vessels and contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, neutralizes free radicals, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, enabling optimum blood flow through blood vessels.

In which conditions is the use OLIGOPINN® recommended?


What does OLIGOPINN® contain?

Active ingredients:
2 capsules (daily dose)
Oligopin®, dry extract of maritime pine bark
(Pinus pinaster)
150 mg
The patented Oligopin® formulation contains a standardized composition of potent natural antioxidants, which act in synergy and neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and increase the body’s oxidative capacity. Free oxygen radicals are created in our body during metabolic processes, which can damage cells and affect the appearance of various diseases in people. Flavonoids from OLIGOPINN® neutralize free oxygen radicals and thus can help reduce symptoms and prevent various diseases.

So far, no interactions of maritime pine bark extract with other medicines and dietary supplements have been recorded. Maritime pine bark extract contains antioxidants that can help stimulate the immune system, lower blood sugar levels, and prevent blood platelets from clogging. Therefore, caution and consultation with a doctor is required if OLIGOPINN® is used together with:

  • immunosuppressive medicines (such as azathioprine, prednisone and other corticosteroids, ciclosporin, mycophenolate, tacrolimus, sirolimus, etc.)
  • diabetes treating medicines (with careful monitoring of blood sugar) anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, clopidogrel, heparin, warfarin, etc.)

Method and lenght of use:
Adults: 2 capsules a day with about 200 ml of water.
Length of use: OLIGOPINN® is a dietary supplement and the duration of its administration cannot be defined. It is recommended that the minimum duration of administration is 2 months or according to the doctor's advice.
Warnings: The product is not intended for people who are hypersensitive to any of the product's ingredients. If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medication, consult your doctor before use.
Presentation: 30 capsules.

OLIGOPINN® - snažan prirodni antioskidans

Ekstrakt kore primorskog bora (Pinus pinaster) se dobija precizno definisanim tehnološkim postupkom kojim se izdvaja smeša standardizovanog sastava procijanidina, bioflavonoida, katehina i organskih kiselina.

Flavonoidi su jedinjenja koja pripadaju grupi polifenola, supstanci koje imaju važnu zaštitnu ulogu kod biljaka, a ujedno ispoljavaju snažnu antioksidativnu aktivnost. Jedna od klasa flavanoida su flavan-3-oli u koje spadaju katehin i epikatehin. Daljim metabolizmom nastaju procijanidini, koji mogu biti monomeri i oligomeri. Ono što doprinosi korisnim svojstvima kore primorskog bora jesu upravo oligomerni proantocijanidini – snažni antioksidansi.

Slobodni kiseonični radikali predstavljaju veoma reaktivna jedinjenja kiseonika. Nastaju uglavnom kao sporedni produkti tokom normalnog metabolizma u ćeliji. Imaju sposobnost da započnu “lančanu reakciju” oštećenja ćelijskih membrana, koja kada se jednom pokrene, može značajno oštetiti veliki broj ćelija. Antioksidansi imaju svojstvo da neutrališu slobodne kiseonične radikale i mogu se sintetisati u ljudskom organizmu, a mogu se uneti putem hrane ili dijetetskih suplemenata.

Korisni efekti ekstrakta kore primorskog bora na zdravlje ljudi poznati su više od 40 godina. Postoji preko 470 naučnih publikacija o ekstraktu kore primorskog bora, čiji se broj povećava iz godine u godinu. I dalje se ispituju korisni efekti ovog prirodnog antioksidansa, te nova naučna saznanja proširuju spisak mogućih indikacija za njegovu primenu.

Kliničke studije koje su potvrdile primenu ekstrakta kore bora u različitim indikacijama

Vazodilatatorni efekat i poboljšanje mikrocirkulacije 

Kod pacijenata sa stabilnom koronarnom bolešću uočeno je da primena ekstrakta kore primorskog bora tokom osam nedelja dovodi do značajnog poboljšanja endotelne funkcije, odnosno do značajnog poboljšanja neinvazivno merene dilatacije posredovane protokom (engl. flow-mediated dilatation, FMD). Popravljanje mikrocirkulacije se javlja kao posledica snažnog antioksidativnog efekta ekstrakta kore primorskog bora, uz značajno smanjenje markera oksidativnog stresa.

Poboljšanje tonusa i elastičnosti vena

Primena ekstrakta kore primorskog bora pokazala je odlične rezultate kod osoba sa hroničnom bolešću vena i proširenim venama nogu. Primena ovog ekstrakta u dozi od 100 mg tri puta dnevno tokom dva meseca dovela je do značajnog poboljšanja simptoma, povlačenja otoka i bolova u nogama, u poređenju sa placebom. Kod skoro 60% ispitanika koji su dobijali ekstrakt kore primorskog bora zabeleženo je potpuno povlačenje otoka i bolova u nogama. S druge strane, nije zabeležena promena protoka venske krvi merena ultrazvučnim pregledom. Stoga se pretpostavlja da ekstrakt kore bora ojačava vezivnu potporu, elastičnost i tonus venskih krvnih sudova.

Zujanje u ušima i vrtoglavica

U kliničkim studijama je pokazano da primena ekstrakta kore bora snižava vrednosti oksidativnog stresa, poboljšava kohlerani protok i smanjuje simptome poput zujanja u uhu i vrtoglavice.

Rezultati naučnih ispitavanja sugerišu da je kod odabranih pacijenata sa tinitusom i izmenjenom perfuzijom, ekstrakt kore bora pokazao efikasnost u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Efikasnost primene ekstrakta kore bora ogleda se u ublažavanju simptoma tinitusa poboljšanjem kohlearnog protoka krvi. Primećeno je da je terpijski efekat bolji sa upotrebom veće doze ekstrakta kore bora.


Primena ekstrakta kore primorskog bora pokazala je obećavajuće rezultate kod bolesnika sa astmom, kako kod odraslih, tako i kod dece. Analizirane su 22 odrasle osobe sa astmom koje su nakon nasumične podele dobijale ekstrakt kore primorskog bora (doziran prema telesnoj težini, do 200 mg dnevno) ili placebo tokom 4 nedelja. Uočeno je značajno poboljšanje FEV1 u odnosu na inicijalne vrednosti, kao i poboljšanje odnosa FEV1/FVC kod ispitanika koji su dobijali ovaj ekstrakt, što nije zabeleženo u placebo grupi. Kod ispitanika u eksperimentalnoj grupi registrovano je značajno smanjenje simptoma astme i laboratorijskih parametara upale u serumu. U pedijatrijskoj populaciji sa astmom pokazalo se da primena ekstrakta kore primorskog bora značajno smanjuje simptome bolesti i poboljšava parametre plućne funkcije.


Uočena je efikasnost ekstrakta kore primorskog bora kod osoba sa retinopatijom vaskularne etiologije (usled ateroskleroze, dijabetesa i drugih uzroka). Primena ovog preparata (150 mg dnevno, tokom 2 meseca) sprečila je dalju progresiju retinopatije, dovela do poboljšanja prokrvljenosti retine i smanjenja propustljivosti endotela, što je rezultiralo poboljšanjem oštrine vida.


Primećeno je da primena ekstrakta kore primorskog bora može smanjiti oštećenje mišićnih vlakana, odnosno usporiti progresiju sarkopenije – nevoljnog i fiziološlog gubitka mišićne mase i snage. Sarkopenija podrazumeva smanjenje broja i veličine mišićnih vlakana i javlja se kod svih starih ljudi, bez obzira na njihovo zdravstveno stanje. Oksidativni stres može dovesti do destrukcije mišićnih vlakana, čemu se Oligopinn® može efikasno suprotstaviti.


  1. Assouad J-L, Piriou Y. NUTRAfoods;6(3):
  2. Busseroles J, et al. Int J Vitamin Nutr Res 2006;76(1):22-7.
  3. Dargelos E, et al. Exp Cell Res 2010;316(1):115-25.
  4. Mazur A, et al. Atherosclerosis 1999;145(2):421-2.
  5. Poussard S, et al. Phytother Res 2013;27(10):1529-35.
  6. Valls RM, et al. Phytomedicine 2016;23(12):1451-61.

OLIGOPINN® - potent natural antioxidant

Extract of maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster) is obtained by a precisely defined technological procedure that extracts a mixture of standardized composition of procyanidins, bioflavonoids, catechins and organic acids.

Flavonoids are compounds that belong to the group of polyphenols, substances that have an important protective role in plants, and at the same time exhibit potent antioxidant activity. One of the classes of flavonoids are flavan-3-ols, which include catechin and epicatechin. Further metabolism produces procyanidins, which can be monomers and oligomers. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins – potent antioxidants are what actually contribute to the beneficial properties of the maritime pine bark.

Free oxygen radicals are highly reactive oxygen compounds. They arise mainly as by-products during normal metabolism in the cell. They have the ability to start a ‘chain reaction’ of damage to cell membranes, which once started, can significantly damage a large number of cells. Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free oxygen radicals and can be synthesized in the human body, and can be taken in through food or dietary supplements.

The beneficial effects of maritime pine bark extract on human health have been known for more than 40 years. There are over 470 scientific publications on maritime pine bark extract, the number of which is increasing every year. The beneficial effects of this natural antioxidant are still being investigated, and new scientific findings are expanding the list of possible indications for its use.

Clinical studies that confirmed the administration of maritime pine bark extract in different indications

Vasodilator effect and improvement of microcirculation

It was observed in patients with stable coronary disease, that the application of maritime pine bark extract for eight weeks leads to a significant improvement in endothelial function, i.e. a significant improvement in non-invasively measured flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). The improvement of microcirculation occurs as a result of the strong antioxidant effect of the maritime pine bark extract, with a significant reduction in oxidative stress markers.

Improvement of tone and elasticity of veins

The use of maritime pine bark extract has shown excellent results in people with chronic vein disease and varicose veins of the legs. Administration of this extract at a dose of 100 mg three times a day for two months led to a significant improvement in symptoms, withdrawal of swelling and pain in the legs, compared to placebo. In almost 60% of the subjects who received the maritime pine bark extract, a complete resolution of the swelling and pain in the legs was recorded. On the other hand, there was no change in venous blood flow measured by ultrasound examination. Therefore, it is assumed that maritime pine bark extract strengthens the connective support, elasticity and tone of venous blood vessels.

Tinnitus and dizziness

The clinical studies have shown that the administration of pine bark extract lowers oxidative stress levels, improves cochlear flow and reduces symptoms such as tinnitus and dizziness.

The results of scientific studies suggest that pine bark extract has shown efficacy in a short period of time in selected patients with tinnitus and altered perfusion. The effectiveness of the application of pine bark extract is reflected in the alleviation of tinnitus symptoms by improving cochlear blood flow. It has been observed that the therapeutic effect is better with the use of a higher dose of pine bark extract.


The use of maritime pine bark extract has shown promising results in patients with asthma, both in adults and in children. Twenty-two adults with asthma were analysed and randomly assigned to receive either maritime pine bark extract (dosed according to body weight, up to 200 mg per day) or placebo for 4 weeks. A significant improvement in FEV1 compared to the initial values was observed, as well as an improvement in the FEV1/FVC ratio in subjects who received this extract, which was not observed in the placebo group. A significant reduction in asthma symptoms and laboratory parameters of inflammation in the serum was registered in the subjects in the experimental group. The administration of maritime pine bark extract has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve lung function parameters in paediatric population with asthma.


The effectiveness of maritime pine bark extract was observed in people with retinopathy of vascular ethology (due to atherosclerosis, diabetes and other causes). The use of this product (150 mg per day, for 2 months) prevented further progression of retinopathy, led to an improvement in blood supply to the retina and a decrease in the permeability of the endothelium, which resulted in an improvement in visual acuity.


It has been observed that the administration of maritime pine bark extract can reduce damage to muscle fibres, i.e. slow down the progression of sarcopenia – the involuntary and physiological loss of muscle mass and strength. Sarcopenia implies a decrease in the number and size of muscle fibres and occurs in all old people, regardless of their health status. Oxidative stress can lead to the destruction of muscle fibres, which Oligopinn® can effectively fight against.


  1. Assouad J-L, Piriou Y. NUTRAfoods;6(3):
  2. Busseroles J, et al. Int J Vitamin Nutr Res 2006;76(1):22-7.
  3. Dargelos E, et al. Exp Cell Res 2010;316(1):115-25.
  4. Mazur A, et al. Atherosclerosis 1999;145(2):421-2.
  5. Poussard S, et al. Phytother Res 2013;27(10):1529-35.
  6. Valls RM, et al. Phytomedicine 2016;23(12):1451-61.