INNOFER® contains unique formulation of selected vitamins, iron and beta-carotene, which effectively regulates blood count, eliminates feelings of malaise and fatigue, activates the immune system and improves brain function.

In which conditions is the use of the product INNOFER® recommended?


What does INNOFER®contain?

Active ingredients
1 sachet
Vitamin C
80 g
Iron (ferro-fumarate)
20 mg
Beta carotene
3 mg
Vitamin B6
1,40 mg
Methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid
400 ųg
1,40 mg
Vitamin B12
2,5 ųg

*NRV – nutritional reference value

Method of use:

Only one capsule a day, 2 hours after breakfast.
Presentation: 30 capsules.


Anemija ili malokrvnost je stanje koje karakteriše smanjeni broj crvenih krvnih zrnaca i/ili smanjen nivo hemoglobina, proteina koji sadrži hem grupu sa gvožđem i služi za prenos kiseonka od pluća do svih ostalih organa (srca, mozga, mišića).
Malokrvnost se može javiti usled nedostatka gvožđa kod smanjenog unosa putem ishrane ili slabije apsorpcije u crevima. Takodje, uzrok može biti usled gubitka krvi tokom obilnih menstrualnih krvarenja ili krvarenja usled oboljenja sistema za varenje kada se najčešće javlja i nedostatak vitamina B12 i folne kiseline, bolesti imunog sistema. Trudnoća, ubrzan rast i razvoj kod dece mogu biti uzroci malokrvnosti.

Najčešći simptomi malokrvnosti su:
• Umor, slabost, malaksalost, vrtoglavica, nesvestica, nedostatak vazduha
• Bledilo kože, sluznice usana i desni
• Glavobolja, ubrzan rad srca, osećaj hladnoće, naročito u ekstremitetima
• Poremećaj sna i smanjen apetit, depresija i smanjena seksualna funkcija

Prirodna prevencija malokrvnosti je izbalansirana ishrana koja sadrži namirnice sa mnogo gvožđa, vitamina iz B grupe i folne kiseline. Lečenje malokrvnosti je usmereno prvenstveno na uzrok nastanka, redukovanje stresa i lečenje drugih oboljenja, poput oboljenja sistema za varenje, autoimunih i bubrežnih bolesti. Suplementacija vitaminima i mineralima doprinsi normalizaciji krvne slike i smanjenju zdravstvenih tegoba.


Anaemia is a condition characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells and/or reduced levels of haemoglobin, protein that contains a haeme group with iron and is used to transport oxygen from the lungs to all other organs (heart, brain, muscle).
Anaemia can develop due to iron deficiency in reduced intake through food or weaker absorption in intestines. It can also be caused by blood loss during heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding due to digestive system disease, which is most often accompanied by vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency, also in case of a disease of the immune system. Pregnancy, rapid growth and development in children can be causes of anaemia.

The most common symptoms of anaemia are the following:
• Fatigue, weakness, malaise, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath
• Pale skin, mucous membrane of lips and gums
• Headache, quick heart rate, feeling cold, especially in extremities
• Sleep disorder and decreased appetite, depression and decreased sexual function

Natural prevention of anaemia is balanced diet which contains foodstuffs abundant with iron, B group vitamins and folic acid. Treatment of anaemia is primarily directed to its cause, reduction of stress and treatment of other diseases, like digestive system diseases, autoimmune and kidney diseases. Vitamin and mineral supplements contribute to normalization of blood count and reduction of health problems.