FORTINN® is the first product in Serbia which contains specific bioactive collagen peptides. Collagen peptides are used in modern treatment of osteoarthritis and result in noticeable improvement of the joint health.

What makes FORTINN® so unique?

FORTINN® (Fortigel™) represents the mixture of bioactive collagen peptides which are obtained from hydrolyzed collagen. Short-chain proteins (of strictly determined length) are obtained with the special enzymatic process of further hydrolysis. The latest researches show that depending on the size of molecule and length of the chain, collagen peptides exhibit huge difference in action and efficiency to stimulation of cartilage cells and synthesis of new cartilage. Compared to all products which contain hydrolyzed collagen type II, FORTINN® represents unique, completely different mixture of fragments of specific collagen peptides and amino acids which are the only ones scientifically proven to stimulate new cartilage synthesis.

Who is FORTINN® intended for?

People with pain in the joints, degeneration of cartilage, with difficulties in joint mobility, suffering from obesity, who want to preserve the function of their joints, athletes and those engaged in recreational sports. It is used as a prophylaxis in order to slow down and reduce the development of the degenerative changes which occur during the aging process.

How does FORTINN® work?

After administration of 1 sachet of FORTINN® a small part of the substance is absorbed unchanged in intestines and directly transported to the cartilage cells. These fragments of collagen peptides directly stimulate the cartilage cells to synthetize collagen and proteoglycans (structural elements of cartilage). The largest part of the substance is broken down to amino acids that serve as building elements in the synthesis, thereby regenerating articular cartilage.

I. Development and course of changes in articular cartilage (0A)

II. Synthesis of bioactive collagen peptides

III. Absorption of bioactive collagen peptides and mechanism of action to chondrocytes

IV. EFFICIENCY: Increase of synthesis of cartilaginous tissue


What is FORTINN®composed of?
5g of specific bioactive collagen peptides of bovine origin and 0.12 g of acerola (natural source of vitamin C) – out of that 30 mg is vitamin C. Vitamin C improves the utilization of collagen peptides in the body, thanks to which we get collagen of solid structure.

How to take FORTINN®?
One sachet a day dissolved in a glass of water.

How long to take FORTINN®?
Studies show that supplementation should be maintained minimum 3 months in continuity in order to notice the improvements of condition, the best therapeutic results are achieved by continuous use. The duration of therapy is individual and depends on the degree of degenerative changes on articular cartilage.

Šta je kolagen i čemu služi u našem organizmu?

Kolagen je specifični protein koji je najzastupljeniji u organizmu i čini 30-35% ukupnih proteina . Do sada je poznato oko 25 različitih vrsta kolagena, od kojih su najvažnije četiri. Kolagen tip I se najviše nalazi u kostima, kolagen tip II u hrskavici, tip III uglavnom u šupljim organim, a kolagen tip IV u bazalnim membranama.

Ljudski organizam ima sposobnost sinteze kolagena koji je neophodan za rast i obnavljanje tkiva. Međutim, s vremenom organizam postepeno gubi kapacitet njegove obnove zbog procesa starenja, trajnih preopterećenja (vrhunski sport, fizička aktivnost) ili autoimunih bolesti. U mladosti se gubitak kolagena brže nadoknađuje, ali s godinama taj gubitak postaje sve izraženiji, pa se računa da nakon 25. godine telo gubi u proseku 1,5% kolagena godišnje, a taj gubitak se nakon 40. godine drastično povećava.

Može li se gubitak kolagena nadoknaditi?

Način života, pravilna ishrana I  kontinuirana fizička aktivnost mogu donekle ublažiti i usporiti gubitak kolagena i njegove posledice. Međutim u današnje vreme to nije dovoljno, zbog čega su nam nephodni dodaci ishrani s kolagenom koji usporavaju prirodni gubitak kolagena.

Hidrolizovani kolagen tip II koji ima poboljšanu apsorpciju  predstavlja jedinstveni molekul sa povoljnim uticajem na održavanje homeostaze zglobne hrskavice i izgradnje vezivnog tkiva. Kolagen tip II sadrži visok nivo hidroksiprolina i hidroksilizina, amino-kiselina koje su ključne za izgradnju vezivnog tkiva zglobne hrskavice.

Kolagen tip II je najzastupljenija vrsta kolagena u zglobnoj hrskavici (85-90%) i zbog toga se njegova redovna oralna primena posebno savetuje kod osteoartritisa. Oralna administracija kolagena (samo određene  dužine I molekulske težine) dovodi do njegove apsorpcije u tankom crevu i ugradnje u hrskavicu. Upotreba hidrolizovanog kolagena stimuliše statistički značajno povećanje sinteze hrskavičavog tkiva.

FORTINN® značajno stimuliše regeneraciju zglobne hrskavice. Osim hirurškog lečenja terapija osteoartritisa je jako limitirana. Cilj je najčešće da se postigne olakšanje sistemskih simptoma i inflamacije. Svakako, potpuno je jednako važno tretirati pravi razlog oboljenja sa ciljem sprečavanja progresivne degeneracije hrskavice.

FORTINN® sadrži specifične bioaktivne kolagene peptide koji se dobijaju posebnim enzimskim procesom iz hidrolizovanog kolagena tip II goveđeg porekla i jedini su koji naučno dokazano pospešuju sintezu nove hrskavice. Bioaktivni kolageni peptidi, jedini koji mogu da stimulišu hondrocite su oni koji imaju striktno određenu dužinu i molekulsku težinu oko 3,3 KDa što im omogućava apsorpciju u digestivnom traktu i dalju distribuciju kroz krvotok.

FORTINN® preparat je namenjen za regeneraciju hrskavice,ima precizno određen i naučno potvđen sastav. Za razliku od običnog hidrolizovanog kolagena tip II  koji samo daje gradivni elemenat, FORTINN® vrši direktnu stimulaciju hondrocita i dovodi do regeneracije hrskavice.

FORTINN® je prvi hondroprotektor koji ima dokazano  stimulativno dejstvo na hondrocite.

What is collagen and what it is used for in our body?

Collagen is a specific protein present to the fullest in the body and making 30-35% of total proteins. About 25 different types of collagen have been known so far, out of which four are the most important ones. Collagen type I is mostly present in the bones, collagen type II in the cartilage, type III mostly in hollow organs, while collagen type IV in basal membranes

Human body has the ability to synthesize collagen which is necessary for the growth and regeneration of tissue. However, over time the body gradually loses its capacity to renew it due to the aging process, permanent overload (professional sport, physical activity) or autoimmune diseases. In the young age, the loss of collagen is quickly made up for, but as people are getting older such a loss becomes ever more present, so it is counted that after the age of 25 the body loses on average 1.5% of collagen a year, while such a loss drastically increases after the age of 40.

Can the loss of collagen be made up for?

Life style, proper diet and continuous physical activity can to some extent mitigate and slow down the loss of collagen and its consequences. However, that is not sufficient anymore today and therefore we need dietary supplements containing collagen which slow down the natural loss of collagen.

Hydrolyzed collagen type II, which has improved absorption represents a unique molecule with a favorable impact on the maintenance of homeostasis of articular cartilage and connective tissue building. Collagen type II contains a high level of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, amino-acids which are crucial in building of articular cartilage connective tissue.

Collagen type II is the most common type of collagen in cartilage (85-90%) and therefore its regular oral administration is especially advisable in osteoarthritis. Oral administration of collagen (only of certain length and molecular weight) results in its absorption in small intestine and its integration into cartilage. The use of hydrolyzed collagen stimulates statistically significant increase of cartilaginous tissue synthesis.

FORTINN® significantly stimulates the articular cartilage regeneration. Apart surgical treatment, the therapy of osteoarthritis is very limited. The goal is mostly to achieve relief of systemic symptoms and inflammation. Certainly, it is equally important to treat the real cause of disease in order to prevent progressive degeneration of cartilage.

FORTINN® contains specific bioactive collagen peptides which are obtained by special enzymatic process from hydrolyzed collagen type II of the bovine origin and they are the only to improve the synthesis of new cartilage and it is scientifically proven. Bioactive collagen peptides, the only ones that can stimulate chondrocytes, are the ones that have strictly determined length and molecular weight of about 3,3 KDa which enables them to be absorbed in digestive tract and further distributed through the blood stream.

FORTINN® product is intended for regeneration of cartilage, has precisely determined and scientifically confirmed composition. Unlike the usual hydrolyzed collagen type II which only represents a building element, FORTINN® directly stimulates chondrocytes and results in cartilage regeneration.

FORTINN® is the first chondroprotector with the proven stimulative effect to chondrocytes.